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L’accès se fait via la création d’un compte avec l’adresse électronique et est réservé aux personnels de Nantes Université et des unités de recherche dont elle est tutelle. 

Si vous ne disposez pas encore d’adresse électronique, écrivez à l’adresse en précisant votre statut, employeur et structure de rattachement.


Accessible via the creation of an account with the email address, Open4Research Nantes Université is available for all staff of Nantes Université and the research units under the supervision of the university. 

If you do not yet have a email address, please send a message to specifying your status, employer and structure.

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Please complete and submit the following details to register. We will not provide your details to any other third party/organisation and will only use your information for the purpose provided.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

Registration details
User agreements

Terms and Conditions

We want to let you know how Open4Research Nantes Université works and why we need your registration details (all your personal registration details are listed above). We have recently updated our terms and conditions (Read the user agreement and site disclaimer terms)

User agreement options